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June 3, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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McBride Disses Grand Strand Woman Seeking Photo
Haywood from Greenville writes:
5/30/2004 12:04:49 PM
I like Haywood better. Maybe you can get Jimmy to change his name to Pinocchio.
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Robert from Morgantown, WV writes:
5/30/2004 1:58:45 AM
Why don't you change your name from Haywood to Jimmy Police?
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Bob from Fayetteville writes:
5/29/2004 10:55:47 PM
The term "Disses"in the title is confusing. I am not upon my ebonics , but is this part of the minority outreach program?
[ reply ]
Haywood from Greenville writes:
5/29/2004 4:10:04 PM
"PHYSICALLY APPROACHED ME at a Senate debate in Spartanburg to CONFRONT me for not giving him an opportunity to answer the interview questions"

So he walked up to you and asked you a question. Why don't you just say it that way? God you're a drama queen Jimmy.

I've never in my life seen a journalist who thinks a single e-mail is a legitimate source.

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Senator William Jefferson accepts bribe.
Barbaro breaks a leg in Preakness.
Hayden to lead CIA.
Bird flue scare.
The search for Jimmy Hoffa's remains.

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