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May 28, 2005 | South Carolina Headlines


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Beasley vs. Beasley
Scott from Lexington writes:
5/14/2004 2:55:33 PM
I guess Ralph can't read. If he would've read the Augusta Chronicle article, he would have seen that Condon didn't come, either!

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Robert from Charleston writes:
5/14/2004 2:21:53 PM
What's most outrageous about this, is that The Beaz wasn't even in SC meeting voters from his state when he raised funds.

He was in Washington, DC at a funder with an old pal from Mass. That's right-Teddy Kennedy Mass. How familiar right?

If he plans to fundraise rather than debate the issues, he should, at least, do it in his own state.

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Jimmy from Spartanburg writes:
5/14/2004 11:33:54 AM
Ralph, you are exactly right on Beasley. He really is his worst enemy at this point in the campaign. While I like Beasley as well as other candidates in the Senate race, it will be hard to ignore the "hiding" he has done in the past couple of months. The DeMint spokesperson that said the lack of debate experience will hurt Beasley in a head-to-head debate against Tenenbaum makes a great point. Of course, Reb Sutherland could demolish Inez for Beasley, but he's gonna need to improve the perception that he is ducking out of the debates.
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