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June 3, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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South Carolina Political Tidbits
Jimmy from Spartanburg writes:
3/22/2004 10:23:01 PM
Thanks for the feedback, Bob.

However, I was simply pointing out some observations I noticed about McMaster, Hawkins and the RNC.

I wouldn't describe these comments as a "cheap hack," but rather an opportunity to share my thoughts. That's what Common Voice is all about...sharing opinions.

While I am grateful for your readership, I have to say what I believe and let the chips fall where they may.

And, by the way, I think I will still be around in a much bigger venue by the year 2024!

THANKS again for your comments!

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Bob from Fayetteville writes:
3/22/2004 8:13:31 PM
Most of the time Jimmy I like your articles. However, this is just a chance for you to do a cheap hack on Senator Hawkins, and Henry McMaster.

I am glad to hear of your recent weight loss. Although sometimes we disagree most of the time we agree and I would like to see you around in 20 years. Remember hold the mayo and oil. I know it sucks but remain vigilant.

You could have really written a good article on Senator Kuhn and the internet porn thing but you wasted your time on this article.

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