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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Have You Hugged An Abortionist?
Jimmy Moore
March 10, 2003

If you’ve ever had an abortion...
If you know someone who’s had one...
If you’re concerned that you friend, daughter, spouse
may need one someday, but won’t be able to get it...
Then, raise your voice on...

MONDAY, March 10, 2003

The National Day Of Appreciation For Abortion Providers

On this day...
Stand with your abortion services providers and say,
“Thank you for your perseverance, courage and commitment to women.”

The preceding announcement is NOT a joke. Today REALLY IS the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers. As sadistic as it sounds, these people actually want to CELEBRATE the work that abortion doctors are doing to kill innocent babies all in the name of a woman’s right to choose. The pro-abortion lobby wants to hammer their agenda down our throats until we choke on it!

They urge people who support abortion to do the following things today:

- Praise abortion clinic staff and doctors with postcards of appreciation
- Buy ads or write your local newspaper supporting abortionists
- Call radio talk shows to express support (let them call The Russ and Lisa Show or The Ralph Bristol Show on WORD-AM today and see how well their support for abortion is accepted!)
- Ask your local provider how you can help
- Become a volunteer clinic escort
- Organize local appreciation day events
- Use your imagination, creativity and dedication to help create a climate at clinics where women, doctors and staff can hold their heads high without feeling shamed or fearing assault (never mind that the work they are doing is gruesome and cruel no matter how you look at it!).

The National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers began in 1996 and is co-sponsored by many pro-abortion and liberal national organizations (Planned Parenthood, The National Organization of Women, The People For The American Way, Gloria Steinem’s Third Wave, among many others) and individuals as a way to help give support to abortion providers across the United States. March 10th is the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. David Gunn, the first abortion doctor killed in Pensacola, FL in 1993. Dr. Gunn and others are honored on this day for helping make choice possible.

Of course, one of the supporters of this abortionist appreciation day is the American Civil Liberties Union, who is well known for promoting abortion rights under the guise of a woman’s right to choose. But they are actually promoting the myth that abortion is helping women by labeling the doctors who perform abortions as “heroes.” While the ACLU vocally denies that abortion itself is a good thing, they are giving abortion a positive moral significance by honoring the doctors who perform them.

This is the same thing as claiming that marijuana use is a personal choice and that the people who sell marijuana should be honored. The ACLU lives by the saying, “Without abortion providers, there can be no choice. And without choice, women cannot be free to live and plan their lives!” So does that mean that we need a Marijuana Dealers Appreciation Day? Without them, there can be no choice, you know!

However, not everyone will be celebrating today. In Phoenix, AZ, two abortion providers have been charged with serious crimes. One is currently serving a prison term for allowing a woman to die in his clinic and the other one has been charged with several counts of sexual assault against a woman he was supposedly providing an abortion.

“It is an utter perversion to refer to baby killers and those who facilitate the brutalization and death of millions of babies with words like ‘heroism’ and ‘commitment’ and ‘perseverance,’” said Jan LaRue, senior director of legal studies for the Family Research Council.

LaRue said it would be more appropriate to call today a National Day Of Shame For Baby Killers!

All of the hype surrounding this day also flies in the face of what pro-choice advocates have been telling us about their views on abortion. When confronted with the horror of abortion, pro-choice (translation, pro-abortion) advocates say they want abortion to be left up to the woman to decide and, in the words of Bill Clinton, kept “safe, legal and rare.” However, it is all about keeping abortion legal for these people. The fact that over 43 million innocent babies have died at the hands of abortion doctors since 1972 proves that limiting the number of abortions is not a high priority for those who are pro-choice!

Now that we have a holiday commemorating abortionists is evidence that the pro-abortion movement has been taken over by those in the radical fringes. Abortion activists are actually trying to glorify abortion as an act of bravery to be celebrated by having this day of appreciation for abortion doctors. It is sickening to hear those who support abortion opposing a ban on killing babies who miraculously survive abortion procedures. If the baby is causing no harm to the mother once it is outside of the mother’s womb, then why would abortion rights groups be against protecting these babies?

A Gallup poll last year found that public support for an abortion to be performed in the third-trimester was only 7%. In fact, The Polling Company found that only 16% of people polled supported an abortion being conducted after the first trimester. Compare that to 34% in the early 1990’s. Support for abortion on demand is plummeting fast and abortion rights activists know it! Discussions about partial-birth abortions and the graphic nature of how the procedure is performed has contributed greatly to the change in attitude of the American public on the issue of abortion.

This is why abortion supporters have resorted to a national holiday celebrating abortionists. It is not a coincidence that the day of appreciation began the year after partial-birth abortion became a hot topic of discussion politically. The abortion lobby’s desperate attempt to remain relevant despite support for their waning cause is incredulous. For most people, the issue of abortion has transformed from an ideological dispute to a personal conviction about the procedure. Whether it is scientific or religious, abortion is considered wrong by more and more people every day.

We are approaching a day in America when abortion on demand will be illegal except in the extreme cases of protecting the life of the mother or, perhaps, in cases of incest and rape. Yet, even these abortions are only a negligible percentage of the abortions that are currently performed. An overwhelming majority of abortions performed today are for convenience. These abortions should be stopped and considered illegal in a country founded on the principle of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” I firmly believe that will become a reality very, very soon.

Liberal abortion rights groups like to say that people who are part of the pro-life movement are against women because they want to deny a woman the right to choose what to do with their own body. My answer to that is that you had your choice when you decided that you wanted to have unprotected sex! If you did not want to become pregnant, then you should have made the CHOICE to wear a contraceptive or (better yet!) abstain from sex until you are married. Lest anyone forgets, getting pregnant is either a choice or a consequence, either of which results in the formation of a life given by God that needs to be taken care of, not thrown away!

So, have you hugged an abortionist today? No? Me neither!

If you are unexpectedly pregnant and would like some help in the Upstate of South Carolina, I would recommend the Carolina Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg or the Piedmont Women's Center in Greenville.

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