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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Hodges’ Debate Performance Shameful
Jimmy Moore
November 2, 2002

Is it any wonder why Gov. Jim Hodges is about to become the former governor of South Carolina? His performance at last night’s debate in Columbia was shameful and an embarrassment to the state.

In the final debate of the South Carolina gubernatorial campaign between Mark Sanford and Jim Hodges on Friday night, the latter did nothing more than present himself as a smug politician willing to interject class warfare into any and every topic.

Gov. Hodges was especially divisive on the issue of public vs. private education. Hodges boasted that he, his wife and his kids all attend public school. Then he turned around and lambasted Sanford and his family for attending private school.

Although Hodges said that was Sanford’s choice, Hodges used the opportunity to attack Sanford’s voucher program which would allow parents the choice about where to educate their children. Hodges said this would rob $60 million from public education where 92% of South Carolina students get their education.

Sanford’s response to this, when he could get a word in with the frequent interruptions by an obviously anxious Gov. Hodges, was that the decision about how he was going to educate his own children depended on each one of his children’s needs. He is open to homeschooling, public and private schools as options for all four of his boys.

Sanford was consistently effective at remaining above the fray whenever Hodges went on one of his temper tantrums.

In addition, Gov. Hodges repeatedly answered legitimate questions asked by members of the debate panel with rhetoric that sounded like it came straight from the Kevin Geddings/Dick Harpootlian handbook for political manipulation. As Sanford attempted to answer each question logically and on topic, Hodges would almost always interrupt Sanford while he was still talking. Sanford took it in stride remaining calm and rational despite the childish antics of the sitting governor. Additionally, Hodges went over his time limit on almost every occasion regardless of whether he was answering a question or offering a rebuttal.

This debate was the clearest sign of a desperate candidate pulling out all the stops trying to win reelection. Hodges is going to lose and he knows it!

I have admired the way Mark Sanford has conducted himself throughout both the GOP gubernatorial primary election as well as the general election. He has consistently talked about his stance on the issues even when his opponents have attacked him personally.

Even more impressive is the fact that Mark Sanford has not made attack ads his primary focus in the race against Gov. Hodges. Some people will balk at this claim because of the third-party political ads that have run on behalf of Sanford’s campaign. Those ads were put out by the South Carolina Republican Party and the National Taxpayers Union.

The voters have a clear, distinctive choice as Gov. Hodges noted at the end of the debate. I agree with you, Gov. Hodges, but for different reasons than you suggest. Sanford is prepared to lead South Carolina with bold public policy initiatives and Hodges wants to keep us on the same path.

So, here is your choice: four more years of do nothing governing under Gov. Hodges or eight years of economic prosperity, growth and hope for a brighter future under Gov. Sanford?


We’ll all know which choice South Carolina voters want in just a little over 72 hours.

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