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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Condon Hits Lottery Jackpot
Jimmy Moore
January 17, 2002

South Carolina Attorney General Charlie Condon may have just hit the lottery jackpot (sorry, I couldn't resist the ironic analogy!) in his upcoming GOP primary race for governor. Condon recently wrote a letter to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, criticizing him for investigating crisis pregnancy centers in New York (see the article on The Upstate Common Voice called "Condon Criticizes New York Attorney General" by Rob McBurney on 1/11/2002). This act of defense on behalf of the crisis pregnancy centers firmly secures Condon's position with pro-life voters in South Carolina over all the other GOP candidates. His strong, unwavering stance on the sanctity of human life may help him even the odds in the upcoming GOP gubernatorial primary.

In his letter to the pro-choice Democratic New York Attorney General, Condon was especially critical of Spitzer's blatant attempt at stifling the good work done by the volunteers at crisis pregnancy centers through his issuing of subpoenas for allegations that are unfounded. Condon praised the results created by crisis pregnancy centers, saying they provide positive alternatives for teenagers who get pregnant out of wedlock and help young mothers cope with the stresses of an unexpected baby through the many services they offer at no charge. Condon supports the work done by the volunteers at crisis pregnancy centers because they "soothe the pain, relieve the suffering and ease the trauma of women who are hurting. Those who operate these centers freely give of themselves with a helping hand and a loving heart."

The people who work in the crisis pregnancy centers across America are real heroes in my book. Not only are they selfless by freely giving of their time and energy to help thousands upon thousands of women make the right decision about the future of their babies, but they do all of their work without a single government handout (it makes you wonder what would happen if the government would remove itself from other sectors of our personal lives...Hmmmmm...). The audacity of the Democratic Attorney General from New York to question the work of these centers shows you how desperate and hysterical liberals have gotten to find a way to undermine conservatives in the 2002 elections.

Thousands of South Carolina residents (including three of the GOP candidates for governor: Condon, Lieutenant Governor Bob Peeler and Secretary of State Jim Miles) lined up last Saturday for the 28th annual "Stand Up for Life 2002" march in Columbia. Because of his scathing letter to the liberal New York Attorney General in support of life, Charlie Condon has been given new life in his campaign for governor. Although he currently trails Peeler and Sanford in monetary contributions, the political capital he gained last week just might propel him to his party's nomination in the upcoming GOP primary election. If that happens, then Charlie Condon will have indeed hit the lottery jackpot (I wonder if outgoing Democratic Gov. Jim Hodges would be there to congratulate him like he did the other big lottery winners in Greenville recently? Nahhh!).

If you would like more information about the tireless work done by crisis pregnancy centers, then go to its national website at http://www.pregnancycenters.org. You can also contact the local Carolina Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg through its website at http://www.carolinapregnancy.org or by calling toll free 1-800-273-4757. If you care about preserving human life and helping women who are hurting, then I urge you to volunteer your time and money to your local crisis pregnancy center. Your prayers and support for the work the volunteers at crisis pregnancy centers are doing will make a long lasting positive impact on women looking for someone who cares! Won't you be that someone?

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