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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Juice is flowing
Jonathan Pait
December 8, 2002

What a week! Actually, it was only three days, but it sure seemed like a week. I'm talking about the ice storm.

Thank you for your patience from Wednesday through Sunday. The site has had some challenges. Things should be getting back to normal now.

I was getting ready to leave my office Wednesday evening when I received a phone call alerting me that power was out at The Worthwhile Company. CommonVoice.com is hosted on these servers. In over 6 years, a power situation as this had never hit the company. There is a first time for everything.

The technicians made the call that we were going to need auxillary power. Early Thursday morning we got the generators cranked up. All should have been well except some of our uninterrupted power supply units did not like the generated power. After playing Twister with the various units, the servers came online for good around 10 AM Thursday.

Great for TWC clients--only partly great for TCV readers. While at my home I did not lose power, I did lose my internet access. The automated headlines are controlled by a server at my home. Most of the maintenance is handled remotely. TCV limped along sporadically via dialup and break time at work.

Well, we're back. Late Saturday the connection came to life. Our automated headlines are up and going. I finally got to my E-mail! Hopefully we will also get the columns back going on a regular basis.

Thank you again for your patience. Also I apologize for not drawing attention to Pearl Harbor. It is very important for us not to forget these important events in our history.

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