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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Getting Veeped, Redux
Jonathan Pait
October 31, 2002

Last week The Common Voice ran the article, “Will we get Veeped?” Well, now rumblings are occurring that we might actually see it happen. In some ways it would be cool. In other ways. . .

We wrote, “Having the executive branch come by, for a majority of Americans, is like waving the flag. Watch those South Carolina Republicans grinning like children with candy should the President pay a visit to the Capitol City. Everything points to that being a reality soon.

What about the Upstate, will we have the administration giving us a visit? You’ve got to think that politically speaking it would be no-brainer for the Bush handlers to have a visit planned for us. Could we get Veeped? It makes sense that South Carolina could get a one-two-punch. If Bush lands in the midlands, Cheney could touch down in the Upstate.

Even if the right hook, left hook combination gets thrown, you have to wonder if it will land with enough force to produce a TKO. It certainly wouldn’t hurt. Bush and Cheney, come on down!”

We’ve already had the right jab. Now we’ll see if we get the hook. But what does that say about the election? If the rumblings are true and Cheney comes, does that indicate that the Republicans have some concerns? If so, which race or races? The administration is a “precious commodity” at a time like this. They don’t typically show up where there is a run away.

If the polls are correct (see today’s article in The State), the Republican candidates appear to be doing what they need to pull this off. Then again we don’t always know what the internal polls are showing. However, should Cheney show, we may have some insight into what the pols are seeing in the polls.

Either Cheney shows to put the nail in the coffin, give a final shot of adrenalin, or he doesn’t show at all. Our chances of getting Veeped could be determined by how those “650 likely voters” answer their survey questions.

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