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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Candidates Go Head to Head to Reach the Top
Jonathan Pait
September 4, 2002

It's baaAAck. . . We enjoyed our "Candidate at the Top" feature during the primary. We thought we would have a little fun and get an education at the same time. So, we are pulling out the feature once again.

Here is how it works. Each candidate has the opportunity to rise above the field as their supporters rally the troops to come and earn points. How do you earn points? There are two ways.

  1. Cast a vote. On the "Candidate at the Top" page, there is a column that allows the reader to interact with the feature. Casting a vote by entering your E-mail address in the space provided and submitting it, will earn your candidate one point. You can cast a vote without entering any other information.
  2. You can add articles. Here is where the education comes in. We can't all be out there looking for every instance of a candidate getting mentioned. However, if we all pool together the links we find, we can create a virtual library of information on each candidate. Besides, submitting an article gets your candidate another quarter point. So, four articles gets you one vote.
Some things to keep in mind.

Yeah, we know, if you have more than one E-mail address, you can cast more than one vote. That is why this is not a scientific study--IT'S FOR FUN. However, we do want to add a little bit of restrictions so that you at least have to work really hard to stuff the ballot box!

Once you submit your vote, you will receive an E-mail asking you to confirm your vote. It is as simple as clicking on a link. If your vote moves your candidate, you will see the picture move above any candidates with fewer votes. If you do not respond to the E-mail, your vote will be lost in never never land.

If you submit an article, the article goes in a queue to be reviewed by a member of our large, well-paid, staff (my nose is growing!). As long as the article is on topic, is not pointing to something obscene and doesn't get accidently deleted the article will appear in the "folder" to the right of the candidate. At that time a fourth of a point is added to the candidate's point tally.

Have fun. By the way, you will have LOTS more fun if you use Internet Exploder--I mean Explorer. Some versions of Netscrape don't like the internal frames.

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