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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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While the cat's away. . .
Jonathan Pait
August 15, 2002

Okay, my libertarian friends. Now is your chance to practice personal responsibility. You liberals be sure to show compassion. Oh, yeah, and you nasty social conservatives be sure to be extra special pious. The cat is going to be away.

The editor, who is also the moderator, will be out of town at a retreat most of Thursday and on through the weekend. No one will be here minding the store. Yes, I will be checking in from time to time, but you guys are going to be on your own.

Later today (Thursday) I will be opening the discussion area up to allow open posting. No moderator will be here to approve or deny your posts. You will be able to choose your own topic headings.

Since is a benevolent dictatorship and not a democracy, I'm going to lay down some rules.

1. No cursing (try to even avoid mild stuff--even though I have allowed some of it to slip through in the past).
2. No sexual play on words (some of you guys were getting close to this this week).
3. No downright slanderous stuff! If you don't have the proof, don't say it.

Finally, try, just try, not to tear each other apart! Stick with issues and argue to your hearts content. Reading about attacks on grammar, etc. are simply boring.

Have fun! Look for the site to change slightly later today. We'll call it "The Weekend's Wild!"

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