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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Let's get something straight
Jonathan Pait
June 10, 2002

I received the following from an annoymous visitor to CommonVoice.com:

"you say on the site that 'discussion is the heart' of the site, but there is no link to the discussions page! Also, there is no easy way to get to the 'masthead' page where one can read columns by your contributors.

A comment I submitted days ago wasn't posted. Attempting to get to the dicsussion page by URL generated lots of SQL errors, which should be trapped.

Commonvoice is generally hard to navigate, non-intuitive and (in my professional opinion) a poor advertisement for your services. It's a great concept, but poorly executed. How about fixing things up over there?"

For those who have been around for a while, you know that CommonVoice.com is a hobby that the editor works on when he is able. They also understand that it is a work in progress. The good news from that is that it continues to improve. The bad news is that the users have to live with the bugs until they get ironed out.

Sure, we could pay big bucks to have REAL programmers build the site. However, then there wouldn't be a CommonVoice.com. While The Worthwhile Company, Inc. provides the hosting for the site, it has nothing to do with the programming.

I apologize for the errors that this person experienced. More functions will come available over time. I also freely admit that the navigation is not all it should be. Frankly, there is no navigation. I had to leave on vacation with my family before it could be finished.

My family is more important than this site. As a matter of fact, a few more E-mails like the one above and I'll just pull the plug on the whole thing. It sure would allow me to spend more time with my family!

We really are in this together. You be patient with me and I will continue to enhance the site within my abilities. Now, back to playing with my kids. I'll see you next Monday.

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