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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Long day for the press.
Jonathan Pait
April 28, 2002

It was a long day yesterday for the press. During a break I ran into Dan Hoover of the Greenville News. He (along with everyone else) wasn't real excited about all the delays.

It must have been a long day because the last paragraph of Mr. Hoover's Sunday article reads, "Deb Sofield, a Greenville City Council member running for comptroller general, handed out plastic bags with mini-candy bars. Secretary of State Jim Hodges' table dispensed apples to arriving delegates."

Jim Hodges' was at the GOP State Convention? Oh, and he is the Secretary of State?

Don't worry Mr. Hoover. We understand. We were there as well.

Picture: Dan Hoover, far right, AP photographer Lou Krasky and convention guest Missy Patterson wait for the Convention to resume.

Ashley Smith, the Republican Party's new third vice chair also pointed out that Lee Bandy let everyone know that Katon "Dawkins" won the chairman's race.

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