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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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See you at the booth
Jonathan Pait
April 24, 2002

UPDATE: 10:45 AM - We are only $100 shy of covering the CommonVoice.com promotion expenses at the SC GOP Convention. A special thanks to those who have stepped up to the plate in the final inning!

Well, today is the deadline for reserving a booth at the pig pickin' that will take place Friday evening at the GOP State Convention. Though we didn't get all the money we needed through the Web site, we'll be setting up the booth.

Be sure to stop by if you will be there. We'll have a guest book for you to sign. We'll be taking pictures and placing faces with typing patterns. It won't be anything fancy, but it will be a gathering place for those who enjoy the site.

Also, be on the lookout for the CommonVoice.com ad in the convention program. It will give you a little (and I mean little) sneak peek at what the site will look like after our first anniversary.

Oh, and if you would like to join the sponsors who are making the booth possible, feel free to contact me ( ) and we'll make sure you get recognized at the booth. The fact that there are people who are willing to support this booth is more important than just the money. It is a real shot in the arm because it shows there are people who really care about the site and find it useful.

Thanks guys! Special thanks to Rick Adkins with Peoples Mortgage Services ( http://www.peoplesmortgageservices.com ) who was the first to step up to the plate.

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