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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Is Joe Lieberman's goose cooked?
Benj Buck
August 9, 2006

Yesteraday and last night all attention turned to Connecticut's senate race.  Joe Lieberman versus Ned Lamont.  Lamont won the Democratic nomination.  However, this morning's news is not about Lamont's victory, but Lieberman's.  Salon.com runs Alex Koppelman's story titled, LIEBERMAN WINS!.  Koppelman quotes Lanny Davis, one of Lieberman's key supporters, "Tonight's theme is he's the 'Comeback Kid.'"

Even Lieberman's concession speach, wasn't truly conceding.  His comments included:

In this campaign, we've just finished the first half, and the Lamont team is ahead. But in the second half, our team, Team Connecticut, is going to surge forward to victory...(cheers)

I am of course disappointed by the results, but not discouraged. The old politics of partisan polarization won today. For the sake of my party and my country, I cannot and will not let that result stand.

Tomorrow, our campaign will file the necessary petitions [to secure a place on the November ballot] so that we can continue this campaign for a new politics of unity and purpose.

LIEBERMANYou say, "Lieberman, you already lost. Give it up.  Your chances as an Independent are slim."  However, the numbers say that he still has very strong chances of staying in the Senate.  Dick Morris of the New York Post writes, "Joe will rise again."  Morris crunches the numbers and shows the possibilities.

If Lieberman keeps most of his 130,000 primary voters, which is only 10,000 less than Lamont received, Lieberman has a pretty good shot.  Let's face it, the election will be much like a run off, and incumbents typically have stronger showings in run offs.  Furthermore, most of the independents and Democratic moderates who did not show for the primary, Morris suggests, should tend to vote Lieberman.  Also in the equation is the GOP wows with Alan "Gold" Schlesinger who failed to win the hearts of most Republicans.  Lieberman can also count on a number of frustrated conservatives to vote for him.

Providing Lieberman's e-mail and Web site stay healthy, Connecticut's moderate should not be counted out.

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