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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Keep the green in Greenville
Jonathan Pait
January 22, 2002

Sounds like a politician talking about how taxes from Greenville go to Columbia and don't find their way back to the Upstate. No, we're not talking politics and taxes here. We're talking trees.

One of the first things you notice about the Upstate is how beautifully green it is. Even in the winter months there are enough evergreens to keep the "green" in Greenville. Go to the top of a building in downtown Greenville and look around. The homes and buildings seem to disappear under a carpet of Green.

Unfortunately, things are changing. While some homebuilders make it a point to keep some of the mature trees that filled their lots before construction, most subdivision developers will clear the ground to make way for the homes. Of course, they have every right to do so. However, that freedom calls for a greater responsibility to the community.

Also, many of our older street trees are in a declining condition and require removal, which is expensive and strains the city's budget. There needs to be a concerted effort to replenish the areas where older trees must be removed.

Upstate Common Voice challenges everyone to participate in the City of Greenville Beautification Commission's Greenville Tree Foundation. The goal is to raise $20,000 to plant 180-200 trees this year. A contribution of $225-$360 would add three more trees to the Upstate's landscape.

The Greenville Tree Foundation has been in existence for 21 years. They have been planting trees in the City of Greenville. You can see the results of their work at the Peace Center for the performing Arts, Cleveland Park, Reedy River Falls Park and the South Carolina Governor's School of the Arts and Humanities. Since its inception civic minded citizens and businesses have donated more than $220,000 to the Foundation and more that 5,650 trees have been added to the urban forest in the City of Greenville.

Use this opportunity to honor a loved one, the birth of a new family member, an outstanding employee, or a birthday gift. Yep. Your donation will be tax deductible and the trees will be an investment in the future beauty of our wonderful region.

Mail your contribution to:

Greenville Tree Foundation
P.O. Box 2207
Greenville, SC 29602

You may print out this page and detach the below portion. Mail it in with your donation. The City of Greenville will acknowledge all donations by mail. If you wish, they will send a special card to the person you would like to honor. Again, all donations are tax deductible.


Small Tree Classification
Trees will be 6' to 8' in height, and meeting American Association of Nurserymen standards.
Cost: $75.00 / Tree

Place a check indicating the species selected:
Crepe Myrtle _____
Flowering Dogwood _____

Large Tree Classification
Trees will be 12' to 14' in height, and meeting American Association of Nurserymen standards.
Cost: $120.00 / Tree

Place a check indicating the species selected:
Willow Oak _____
Red Maple _____

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