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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Thank you, Veterans!
Jonathan Pait
November 11, 2001

Today we offer a special thanks to all those who have served this great country in our armed forces. On this day set aside for remembrance and expression of our appreciation, we wish to salute you.

Words cannot truly express what you mean to us. Many younger citizens who grew up in relative peace find it hard to grasp what you have done. We have not experienced it. That is the measure of your sacrifice. Your strength and willingness to protect has allowed us that luxury.

Those who have lived in time of war and those who served along with you understand the sacrifices. They know the emotions and fears. They understand the relief and the sorrow. The maturity that comes through conflict serves you all well.

Now, as we face a new conflict that threatens the peace you so well won, we do not fear for the same sacrifice for country shows itsself it your sons and daughters. We trust that they too will soon be veterans. A veteran is a soldier who has served in battles past. May our present battle soon be so.

Thank you.

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