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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Of felines and roosters
Jonathan Pait
November 6, 2001

Not many "Hot Tip" submissions come in over the Upstate Common Voice E-mail system. When one does pop up in the inbox, it is exciting to see what juicy political rumor or character-assassinating tale may be waiting to be read. One came in just this morning.

What could it be? Was it some tip on Joel Patterson or late-breaking news that Diane Smock had switched to the Republican Party? Perhaps there was more to be heard about Commerce Gate of which we had not yet caught wind.

Okay, already, what was it!

Well, the anonymous sender (obviously fearing retribution) wrote:

“Clemson Tigers and S.C.Gamecocks will be losers this weekend.”

Hmmmm, now was that a hot tip (perhaps he thought this was one of those Las Vegas point-spread Web sites) or a pretty cold slap at the two major higher educational institutions in the state. Well, we promised not to put anything up here without first investigating the truth behind the allegations. What did we find?

First of all, you never know until they play the games, but what do the prognosticators think will happen?

Clemson vs. Maryland

The Turtles are really turning it on this year. Even the loss to Florida State was not as bad as the final score would appear. Most teams have caught on to the fact that if you can nail Woody you stand a chance with the Tigers. Of course, you have to hit a nail that is running, dodging and throwing all over the place.

The game takes place up in Maryland. They say that the place will be packed—they are even bringing out the folding chairs. Major sports are looking up for the Terps. Football doing well and basketball ranked in the top two. Those fans are going to be rowdy.

Look out Tigers, Maryland by 10 (though we certainly hope not!)

South Carolina vs. Florida

Please, Gamecocks, waste Florida! Sure the Gators like chicken, but try to turn the tables this time. The problem is, that tough-skinned old monster is hungry. Florida has not gotten worse as the year has progressed and their new BCS ranking shows it.

The numbers do not go the Gamecocks’ way. As much as dislike for Florida and their visor, headset, chair -throwing (oops wrong guy) coach clouds a person’s vision, you have to go with the Gators. Still, the Cocks are at home, ESPN will be there and you bet the fans will be pumped. . .

Tempting, but give it to the Gators by a field goal.

Well, we’ll be waiting for the next Hot Tip. It will probably be a really good tip for Upstate Common Voice to stay out of predicting the outcome of ball games!

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