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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Taylors community fights back
Benj Buck
April 28, 2006

The people on Main Street Taylors' want to see change.  Many homes have been remodeled and the folks do their best to restore some community pride. Though the makeover may be little at a time, the Taylors people remain upbeat about the direction they've taken. 

A group of Taylors citizens joined Thursday evening at First Baptist's Activity Center to discuss the need to join forces as a community.  A heavy concentration of the discussion focused on drug problems and disturbances of the peace.  Deputy Willie Porter, who has been with the Greenville County Sheriff's Office for 20 years, assured the community that the Sheriff's Office was aware of the issues.

"We need to approach the issues in our neighborhood," Patsy Johnson said, "with a tough sort of love."  Johnson, who has lived in the community for nearly four years, organized the meeting.  She commented that community leaders, including the area's county councilman, had been invited.  Unfortunately, none attended the discussion.

The concerned citizens seem to be commited to what they call "a Christ centered plan to restore and revitalize [Taylors]."

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