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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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A record breaking month & a record breaking year
Jonathan Pait
December 1, 2005

As we approach the end of the year 2005, it is exciting to look back at some of the things that have happened.  Yesterday’s milestone at The Common Voice offers a reason to turn our attention that way.  Here to 2006 and the possibilities of the future.

Yesterday, November 30, 2005, was the largest day for unique users (7050) visiting the site.  That day, over 27,000 pages were viewed.  Also in the month of November, the site quietly passed the 1,500,000 unique sessions mark with over 35,000 unique visitors in that month alone.

Much of this growth can be attributed to the local news sites and the theme site, LowCarbNewsLine.com.  Special thanks to Benj Buck (scheadlines.com), Frank Fisher (mynevadanews.com), and Jimmy Moore (lowcarbnewsline.com).  These are the editors that really can claim the success.

Jimmy is the first columnist for The Common Voice to break the 10,000 reader barrier for a single article.  His column, Amazing ‘Biggest Loser 2’ Before & After Pics, had over 10,600 readers at the time I am writing this.  I’m sure before the day is over, it could be up to 11,000.

Another thanks has to go out to Google News.  It is this service offered by Google that has turned The Common Voice into a site averaging around 200 visitors a day into a site averaging over 2000.  Google News helps people find the news they are looking for – whether it be about low-carb or President Bush.

We are on track for 180,000 unique visitors for 2005.  With the growth we have seen in just the last several months, we could see 2006 bring over 300,000 unique visitors to the site.  This could really be just the beginning.

I had hoped that the state news sites would be the place where we would see the most growth.  It has been a slow growth.  Some of the state sites have pretty much died away because the editors grew discouraged.  I don’t blame them either.  The Common Voice went years averaging just around 100 visitors a day.

Where I see the greatest potential going forward is in theme based sites.  LowCarbNewsLine.com is a great example of how this is possible.  Now, I was dragged kicking and screaming into creating this first themed based site.  I figured no one was going to be interested in reading about low-carb.  I was wrong.

In 2006, I will open up The Common Voice for editors who would like to edit more themed based sites.  It might be sports or another type of eating lifestyle.  It is what you are passionate about that makes the site a success.  Without the passion, those first months can be long.

Of course, I also plan to shake up the state sites as well.  Those state sites where the editors have moved on to bigger and better things will be opened up once again for new editors to step in and pick up.

Of course, there is one last thank you that must go out.  It isn’t the least of them.  Thank YOU.  It is the people who read The Common Voice who have brought us to this point.  I’m looking forward to having you join us again in the year to come.

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It's too bad that Frank doesn't share your vision but merely seems to be piggy backing on your success Jonathon. Since Frank doesn't want anyone who disagrees with him to respond on any article that originates from his site, perhaps those headlines could be colored coded so that we know ahead of time that they are "no dissent" articles. . . .

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