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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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South Carolina Superintendent of Education: A wolf in sheep's clothing?
Benj Buck
December 1, 2005

As the race for South Carolina's Superintendent of Education heats up, somebody is crying, "Wolf!" The question is, "Does South Carolina believe or even hear the warning?"

A recent brochure, which is paid for by South Carolina for Responsible Government, warns, "A wolf in sheep's clothing wants to take over South Carolina Schools." SCRG wants South Carolina to know about one of the candidates for Superintendent of Education. The group claims that Bob Staton won't actively pursue fixing the education problem that he admits exists. The brochure indicates that Staton is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and that Staton can't offer the solutions that South Carolina Education needs. SCRG says that Staton has bought into the failing chorus for "more money, more centralized control, and more avoidance of accountability."

In months to come, Bob Staton will campaign against Karen Floyd in order to be the Republican candidate for the top education office in South Carolina.

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