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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Rep. John Spratt called "THE PORKER"
Benj Buck
November 15, 2005

Throughout life, you will have "RED LETTER DAYS"-- hopefully many of them.  A recognition from the local elementary school, an award from the regional business group, or the seat of honor at your community's luncheon would all certainly make for "RED LETTER DAYS."  One award does not bring such prestige or honor -- THE PORKER OF THE MONTH. 

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) presents itself as America's number one taxpayer watchdog.  Based off of President Reagan's efforts with the Grace Commission in the 80s, CAGW desires, "An efficient, well-managed government that is accountable to the taxpayers."


Each month CAGW presents THE PORKER OF THE MONTH to politicos whom they feel just don't understand the value of the taxpayers' dollar.  This month's honor goes to one of South Carolina's Representative, Rep. John Spratt (D-SC).  The citation reads in part. "As ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee, Rep. Spratt preaches fiscal restraint yet refuses to offer saving proposals and even held a mock hearing to misconstrue miniscule spending reductions as deep cuts."

SCHeadlines called Spratt's office.  Chuck Fant, Spratt's Press Secretary wrote an email stating, "Their criticism is baloney [sic].  And it won't stick, because people in South Carolina know John Spratt, and they know he is one of the most fiscally responsible members of Congress.  He is an author of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, which put the budget in surplus for the first time in 30 years."

Park Gillespie, one of the GOP candidates vying for Spratt's office, issued a statement earlier today challenging Spratt to deal with "the problems" rather than allowing them to be inherited by future generations.  Gillespie says, "I'm running for Congress because it's time that government lives with its means.  Rather than continuing to tax and spend."

Spratt joins a long list of politicos in the Hall of Shame, including Tom Delay (R-TX) and Don Young (R-AL) who shared the award in September, and Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Charles Schumer (D-NY) who were co-PORKERS in February.

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