SC Headlines asked Congressman Gresham Barrett to take a few minutes to answer several, simple questions.">
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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Follow the leader: Gresham Barrett
Benj Buck
November 7, 2005

In January 2004, Gresham Barrett became part of the 109th Congress. In office, Representative Barrett places priority on tax relief, border control, and energy independence, as well as military interests and homeland security.

Rep. Barrett's preparation for office includes his role as Captain in the U.S. Army and three terms in the State House of Representatives.

SC Headlines asked Congressman Gresham Barrett to take a few minutes to answer several, simple questions.

SCH: What type of vehicle do you drive?
GB: Ford F-150

SCH: Where did you grow up? 
GB: Westminster, SC

SCH: Could you share with us one of your most memorable moments in politics? 
GB: Being elected to the United States House of Representatives

SCH: What do you believe to be the most influential book you have ever read? 

GB: The Bible
SCH: Who would you consider to be your mentor?  GB: As a child and young adult my father, currently David Wilkins

gbSCH: Which historical leader do you try to emulate most? 
GB: Ronald Reagan.  Ronald Reagan not only had great communication skills, but he was able to bring all different people together to find solutions to problem and that is something I try to emulate.

SCH: What are the best characteristics a person can possess? 
GB: Honesty and Integrity. 

SCH: What makes South Carolina great? 
GB: It’s people. The people of South Carolina are warm, inviting, grounded and sincere individuals.

SCH: What do you see as the hurdles the next generation of South Carolinians will face? 
GB: Improving the education system in South Carolina is vital to the future of our state.  If we can improve that we will help improve all facets of our lives.

SCH: What advice do you have for South Carolina’s future leaders? 
GB: Be true to yourself and to your roots as a South Carolinian.  The time I spend away from South Carolina makes me love it and appreciate it more and more.  Love your state, respect your state and be true to your state.

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