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November 14, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Reminder: Change your clocks
Benj Buck
October 28, 2005

Sunday provides us with an extra hour of sleep as Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends and we return to Eastern Standard Time.

Twice during the year our bodies get bamboozled as we change our clocks.  So, whose "bright idea" was this anyway?  In 1784, Benjamin Franklin presented an essay entitled, "An Economical Project." However, not until World War I was his idea taken very seriously.  In 1916 and 1917, many European countries began a daylight savings plan in order to conserve fuel.  The United States finally practiced Franklin's plan in 1918 for seven months.  Though President Wilson wanted DST to continue, the law was repealed and given as an option for local governments.  On two other occasions in America's history DST has been mandated.  President Roosevelt enforced a year-round DST, or "War Time," during the Second World War, and President Nixon, in the 70's, introduced the Emergency Daylight Saving Time.

From 1919 until 1966, DST was not uniformly recognized in the United States.  Each local government established its own methods for saving daylight, causing much confusion with interstate commerce.  However, The Uniform Time Act of 1966 provided consistency as President Lyndon Johnson established guidelines for DST observance.


And now in October, when we get to sleep in, we love the thought of DST.  However, come the first Sunday in April, we will all be grumbling as we wake up an hour earlier.



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