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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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More Tommy -- Website up [revised]
Benj Buck
September 15, 2005

Several weeks ago, folks were speculating that Tommy Moore might drop out of the South Carolina governor's race.  Despite Moore's attempts to put an end to the rumors, word on the street continued, "No more Moore."  Furthermore, many thought that Secretary of Education's, Inez Tenenbaum, announcement to not seek another term strengthened the predictions about Moore's bail out.  It appeared that Moore's move would give the Democrats a better chance at the governor's mansion through Tenenbaum.

One support for the speculations comes from Moore's lack of an operational web site.  Some commented, "Sen. Moore has been in the race for Governor for over four months and he hasn't put up a website? This could be yet another indicator of the lack of enthusiasm Senator Moore has for running for Governor."

Today you can visit Moore's campaign site.  However, don't get too comfortable to the look.  The site itself says that it is only temporary. "This is the temporary web site for our campaign; within a very short time we will have a fully featured site that will maximize the many opportunities to help you, help us." 

moore header

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