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June 2, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Tough Love: No Excuses For Those In The Path Of Ophelia
Doug Kendall
September 13, 2005

This is going to sound harsh, but someone has to say it.

It’s been a week or so since hurricane Ophelia parked herself in the waters off of the North and South Carolina coasts. People are keeping a close, cautious eye on the storm, and evacuation orders have been issued for some areas.

With this newest hurricane, and any others that follow, we will see just how much people have learned about (disastrous) government disaster relief and (a lack of) personal responsibility on the part of citizens.

To all of you who choose to stay in the danger zone: Don’t cry to government to save you if you are stranded for days without food, water, shelter or electricity, and don’t whine that the government doesn’t respond fast enough, if it takes relief crews several days to reach you. Remember, you had more than enough time to leave.

If people had to accept personal responsibility for their actions—instead of being given a constant governmental safety net, at tax-payers’ expense—they wouldn’t do so many stupid things, because they know that they would have to personally pay for them.

I don’t want to hear about how some people don’t own cars, or that some elderly people may not be able to get out on their own. I don’t know of any charity organization or church that would refuse to help someone flee from a hurricane. If people need help, they can get it.

Bottom Line: If you stay in the path of the hurricane, everyone else, including government, should say, “You have the right to stay on your property, if that's what you choose to do, but you are on your own. Deal with it.”

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