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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Governor Sanford asks President Bush for hurricane help
Benj Buck
September 6, 2005

Hurrican Katrina will be talked about for along time.  No one has felt the effects of the hurricane like those in the gulf, specifically those around New Orleans.  However, the phenom tugs at all of our hearts as fellow Americans reach out to the hurting communities.  Today, Governor Mark Sanford asked for federal help from President Bush as South Carolinia helps carry the burden of those left empty by Hurricane Katrina.

In his letter, dated September 6, Governor Sanford asked the President to declare a response emergency for the State of South Carolina.  Governor Sanford stated:

"In providing humanitarian assistance as a result of Hurricane Katrina, the State of South Carolina is preparing to receive patients from teh affected States through the National Defense Medical System (NDMS) and to shelter displaced citizens.  South Carolina is currently housing 36 discplaced persons and expects this number to swell up to 18,000.  Due to budgetary constraints, this will place a significant impact on both State and loce resources."

Also today, Governor Sanford signed an Executive Order, which established South Carolina's Emergency Operations Plan.

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WHY???? Why does the state go and make all these preparations for REFUGEES, and then expect the federal government to reimburse them for it? Why are the CHURCHES not doing their job??  . . .

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