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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Benj Buck
May 25, 2005

Members and Guests:

Thanks for your part in making SC Headlines one of South Carolina's premiere websites for political news and current events.  Our community grows every day, and I am very excited about the possibilities with this really great group of people. 

In the future you will begin to see three new story types that I will be posting on a regular basis.

(1) FOLLOW THE LEADER:  These stories will introduce you to South Carolina leaders.  The story will be presented as an interview between SC Headlines and the leader.  Let me know what leaders you are currently interested in.  Also, feel free to pass along specific questions that you'd like to see asked.

(2) WHAT NEXT?:  These human interest stories will give the wild and weird happenings in South Carolina that make us all ask, "What next?"  Please pass along leads for these stories to .

(3) AND ACTION:  These stories will introduce opportunities for you to take action and make a difference in South Carolina.  This will not be exclusivel negative stories, such as the one already posted on Lindsey Graham.  Each column will conclude with ways that you can stay take action.  Also, guest can comment with their own action suggestions.  Again, if you have any leads for these stories, please email .

Your involvement in SC Headlines is valuable.  I am very grateful that people benefit from this wonderful site.

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