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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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I met the President's Brother
Benj Buck
May 25, 2005

OK, so it wasn't the President, and he may never be the President.  But the way I look at it, it may even be better than meeting just one President.  You see, I met a previous President's oldest son, the current President's brother, and I may very likely be able to say someday that I've met the President's father. 

No, I don't really think that JEB will be the President.  However, he has quit talking about a Senate run, and hasn't given any indication of any other visions.

As for my second prediction, George P. Bush has proven that he knows how to connect and stir a crowd.  He also draws the ever growing Hispanic population.   Though, P states that he has no interest in a political life, he certainly has the pedigree and charisma. 

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