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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Evil Exemplified in FCUK Products
Jimmy Moore
October 8, 2003

For those of you who still want to deny that there is evil in the world need to pay attention to this story.

There is a new fragrance line from Europe with a peculiar product name:  FCUK Him and FCUK Her.  THIS IS NOT A JOKE!

The perfume and cologne are manufactured by a company called the French Connection, a British-based clothing manufacturer.

And they've now brought their filthy products to the United States.

Hecht's began selling the fragrances last month with a full marketing campaign with posters of young couples lying on a bed with the message "FCUK Him, FCUK Her" underneath.

But because so many people complained about the perverted ads, Hecht's dropped the promotion after only two days.  Parents of teenagers were especially critical of the blatant attempt to attract them to the products.

However, Hecht's is still selling the products despite the objections.

"It is a nice scent, very pleasant, and we are selling it, but we're not advertising it," a Hecht's spokesman argued.

The French Connection has advertised the fragrances in magazines around the world, including Maxim, FHM and Cosmopolitan.  They wanted to market them in Teen People and Seventeen, but they feared the backlash it would cause.

The advertising campaign is called "Scent to Bed" and is aimed at men and women 18 to 25, according to the company.  Customers who spend $38 or more can claim a free T-shirt with the "Scent to Bed" slogan printed across the front.

A manager for the fragrance says, "our message is light-hearted and fun, and any misinterpretation is purely in the eye of the beholder," said Karen Gori, a brand manager for FCUK Fragrance.

While another representative claims the FCUK name is an acronymn for French Connection United Kingdom, the message is clear.  Let's be as nasty and as dirty as society will allow us to be.

And as long as the consumer condones it, the envelope will continue to be pushed until every form of vulgarity runs prevalent with society's approval.

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For. Unlawful. Carnal. Knowledge. That is what the original acronym stood for. It was coined in the original context for those landlords who practiced "droit du seigneur" over unmarried females - to refer to their intended husbands who dared to sleep with their own brides before the Master did! It then descended into common vulgar useage. . . .

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